Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff Candler-Wilfred-Global-Warming:
Global Warming , This is the third book Wilfred Candler has self-published on the problem of Global Warming and the first on the associated issues of our running out of Non-Renewable Natural Resources. These problems will lead us back to the lifestyle we enjoyed before 1750, with or without electricity. As discussed in his book, Wilfred argues that although there is popular agitation to reduce the use of fossil fuels, there is no widespread awareness of the severity of the crisis. In 1750 (and before), the world supported less than a billion people (much less in previous centuries), with horse-drawn transport, little international trade, and no electricity. People are still promoting a switch to wind and solar electricity generation, seemingly unaware that this only provides intermittent power (think a dark, windless night) when cheaper, permanent, and continuous molten salt nuclear power is available. Although this book does not have suggestions for how we are to go from eight to one billion people, it does make the case that this is a problem that needs to be addressed. , >
Preis: 15.33 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Global Warming , This is the third book Wilfred Candler has self-published on the problem of Global Warming and the first on the associated issues of our running out of Non-Renewable Natural Resources. These problems will lead us back to the lifestyle we enjoyed before 1750, with or without electricity. As discussed in his book, Wilfred argues that although there is popular agitation to reduce the use of fossil fuels, there is no widespread awareness of the severity of the crisis. In 1750 (and before), the world supported less than a billion people (much less in previous centuries), with horse-drawn transport, little international trade, and no electricity. People are still promoting a switch to wind and solar electricity generation, seemingly unaware that this only provides intermittent power (think a dark, windless night) when cheaper, permanent, and continuous molten salt nuclear power is available. Although this book does not have suggestions for how we are to go from eight to one billion people, it does make the case that this is a problem that needs to be addressed. , >
Preis: 20.37 € | Versand*: 0 € -
GLOBAL WARMING , In 2007 Wilfred Candler wrote and self-published "Global Warming: The Answer". It advocated a tax of $250 per ton of coal. Unfortunately, it was not widely read. Now (2021), he wants to share his concern that the problems of Climate Change are vastly more multi-dimensional than we had any idea of 14 years ago. It is no longer a simple problem of using fossil fuels. Still, as Christopher Clugston has pointed out, we are rapidly exhausting the world's supply of a wide range of non-renewable natural resources. Moreover, fossil fuel companies are actively promoting the continued use of fossil fuels and even supporting environmental groups providing their objection to fossil fuels extends to nuclear. Meanwhile, the world population is almost eight times the level before our use of non-renewable resources, and per capita consumption is a thousand times what it was in 1750. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 15.43 € | Versand*: 0 € -
GLOBAL WARMING , In 2007 Wilfred Candler wrote and self-published "Global Warming: The Answer". It advocated a tax of $250 per ton of coal. Unfortunately, it was not widely read. Now (2021), he wants to share his concern that the problems of Climate Change are vastly more multi-dimensional than we had any idea of 14 years ago. It is no longer a simple problem of using fossil fuels. Still, as Christopher Clugston has pointed out, we are rapidly exhausting the world's supply of a wide range of non-renewable natural resources. Moreover, fossil fuel companies are actively promoting the continued use of fossil fuels and even supporting environmental groups providing their objection to fossil fuels extends to nuclear. Meanwhile, the world population is almost eight times the level before our use of non-renewable resources, and per capita consumption is a thousand times what it was in 1750. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 20.47 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Global Warming , "Global Warming: The Answer" takes as given that global warming is man-made and occurring with increasingly adverse e¿ects. After a brief review of the carbon cycle (and how man is disturbing it), the book argues that global warming is an economic problem: Given the right prices, technical solutions will follow. Aft er looking at the (limited) solutions for "personal virtue" in reducing pollution, the book examines the chimera of "a carbon neutral life-style," and necessity to achieve a fossil-free economy. Cap and Trade is shown to involve huge wealth transfers to established polluters and is thus rejected in favor of a "revenue neutral, carbon tax." More speci¿ cally an initial carbon tax of $250 ton, with the revenue returned the public through lowered payroll taxes in the U.S. (or V.A.T. or sales taxes elsewhere). Existing and pending technologies that will take-ö once fossil fuels are taxed are reviewed, as are ancillary policies in support of the carbon tax. Some suggestions are ö ered for increasing international collaboration. It is emphasized however that to date no signi¿ cant action has been taken to combat global warming: Kyoto, higher mileage requirements, and An Inconvenient Truth not-withstanding. Action is urgent! But ¿ rst the public have to understand the answer to global warming. , >
Preis: 17.71 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Global Warming , "Global Warming: The Answer" takes as given that global warming is man-made and occurring with increasingly adverse e¿ects. After a brief review of the carbon cycle (and how man is disturbing it), the book argues that global warming is an economic problem: Given the right prices, technical solutions will follow. Aft er looking at the (limited) solutions for "personal virtue" in reducing pollution, the book examines the chimera of "a carbon neutral life-style," and necessity to achieve a fossil-free economy. Cap and Trade is shown to involve huge wealth transfers to established polluters and is thus rejected in favor of a "revenue neutral, carbon tax." More speci¿ cally an initial carbon tax of $250 ton, with the revenue returned the public through lowered payroll taxes in the U.S. (or V.A.T. or sales taxes elsewhere). Existing and pending technologies that will take-ö once fossil fuels are taxed are reviewed, as are ancillary policies in support of the carbon tax. Some suggestions are ö ered for increasing international collaboration. It is emphasized however that to date no signi¿ cant action has been taken to combat global warming: Kyoto, higher mileage requirements, and An Inconvenient Truth not-withstanding. Action is urgent! But ¿ rst the public have to understand the answer to global warming. , >
Preis: 22.75 € | Versand*: 0 €
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